let there be light

The electrical stuff is now mostly roughed in. That box on the left is a switched outlet, the next one is for the TV cable, and that loop rolling out on the floor will ultimately connect to a (backup) baseboard heater.

Now don't you think they could have done a bit more orderly job with the bathroom wiring??

Today was a banner day as we also got the garage floor poured (can't walk on it until tomorrow), which not only paves the garage but also the way for the remaining earthwork - septic system, driveway, and landscaping around the house. In the back of the garage you can see the stairwell to the basement - we opted for an in-garage stairwell rather than an exterior "bulkhead" entry (bulkhead is the local term for those exterior short/steep basement entries covered with sloping steel doors).

Posted: Fri - June 18, 2004 at 09:22 PM    
