walls & windows

The windows have arrived and are installed - see the edge of the bedroom window on the left and an open casement living room window behind the workers. The gawkers, left to right, are Karen Miller, Don Miller, and Jerry - the Millers are visiting from Ohio, and we didn't let them gawk long before pressing them into service. The workers, Tom (low) and Jim (high), from the local framing crew, are installing the vertical siding. You can barely make out the vertical pattern and the pine knots showing through the semi-transparent stain.

Don's and Karen's main assignment was pressing out those aluminum plates for connecting the radiant heat tubes to the floor (see the previous entry). They got pretty good at this, but didn't finish, so it looks like we'll have to have them out again - can't let that newly gained expertise languish.

All those siding boards have to be prestained front and back. Here Jerry is bent over that task. Don and Karen helped sort the finished product into various quality stacks, such as those leaning against that back wall.

Posted: Wed - July 7, 2004 at 10:19 PM    
