Roof Completed

"Weathered Wood" is the poetic name for the color of the shingles. These three skylights are in the "great room": the near one in the kitchen, the next one over the table, and the far one in the living area.

Three more skylights, on the other side of the house: the left one is in the entry hall, the next one lights up the circular stairs, and the one on the right is in the master bath. There are 10 skylights in all, seven in the house (not shown is the one in the guest bath) and - can you believe it? - three in the garage (south facing, of course).

Mysterious interference pattern in this photo showing the three skylights in the garage, as well as the entry/stairs/bath cluster. (This photo taken standing on terra firma . Don't tell Jean that Jerry went up on the roof to get the above two shots.) An angry sky in this one; soon after this picture was taken a thunderstorm slammed in - no apparent skylight leaks.

Posted: Thu - June 3, 2004 at 10:14 PM    
