first holiday

The kids and grandkids spent Thanksgiving 2004 at our new house.
back row: Bill, Jen, Max (in front of Jen), Jean (grandma), David (behind Jean).
front row: Jeff, Talia (in the middle of everything), Anita.

Grandma spends as much time as possible with the grandkids.
David likes to draw; Max and Talia are playing together.

Talia and Max got along well together,
despite the occasional turf battle over toys.

David also spent quite a bit of time on the computer.
Here he's showing Bill some of the finer points of this game.

On Friday we took a short hike up a local crag.
Talia negotiated the rocks pretty well,
and David stayed still long enough to catch him in this photo.

Grandma enjoying the mountain top with Max.

Posted: Mon - November 29, 2004 at 04:57 PM    
