radiant heat

The radiant floor heating tubes are now strung. Enough aluminum plates are installed to hold the tubing in place, but ultimately aluminum plates will cover all of the tubing (and straighten the runs out in the process). The aluminum will facilitate the distribution of the heat from the hot water in the tubes to underside of the floor.

The work crew, left to right, comprises Jerry, Bill, Jeff, and Talia. Since this was the first time that Jeff (Talia's dad), Bill (David's and Max's dad) or grandpa Jerry had done a radiant floor, Talia is showing them the finer points of the craft.

Bill and Jeff straightening and positioning about a 10-foot section of the almost half a mile of tubing they installed over a two-day period.

Jerry trying to figure out where that where that next loop goes.

Well, after getting the guys straight on the radiant tubing, Talia needs to inspect the quality of the carpentry.

Posted: Fri - June 25, 2004 at 06:59 PM    
